Instagram Reels for Business: 4 Business-Oriented Reasons to Use Them - IQhashtags - Instagram hashtag search tool
Jun 10
Instagram Reels for Business

Instagram Reels for Business: 4 Business-Oriented Reasons to Use Them

Instagram Reels for business – is it really a thing? Yes, it is! Let’s get real about… Reels. The youngest kid on the Instagram block. Have you wondered why everyone is talking about them? Do you want to learn what reels actually are and how to use them to work in your favor? We can’t deny – they have garnered a lot of attention recently. Chances are you’ve already heard it over a thousand times “you definitely should try reels!”. What’s so captivating about the Instagram content format similar to Tiktok short films? Are you wondering if creating reels could work better than Instagram Stories? Let’s dive in!

Instagram Reels for Business: What are Reels in a Nutshell?

Instagram Reels offers a new, more creative way to share short videos of up to 15-30 seconds inside the app. It means Instagram has five content formats now —posts, Instastories, IGTV, live, and yup, the newest one, reels. 

We know what you’re thinking: oh no, not another feature and another post format I should be using! We get it. But let us tell you why it’s a good idea to try! We’ll walk you through a quick guide and show you all the key benefits you get when using reels. 

You can get extraordinarily creative with Business Reels

Reels provide ample opportunity to create and edit short video forms. There are many tools to experiment with – polish your video with special effects, audio, stickers… The array of possibilities is more than encouraging. You might want to ask: is there a difference in functionality between reels and instastories? Oh yes, there is. Reels give you a broad range of editing options that aren’t available to the stories or IGTV formats. There’s a variety of tricks you can blend into your productions – speed control, augmented reality, impressive transitions, and other options at your disposal to make your videos stand out from the crowd. 

Video content marketing is taking the lead. In other words: now’s the time for your brand/ business to implement a successful video content strategy, and reels are here to help to create quick, to-the-point content, conveying your message. 



We bet you worry that it has to be so time-consuming – luckily, it isn’t! Reels don’t require a lot of time investment, and once you get used to them, they’re really quick to create. It works both ways: they’re also instant to consume, meaning you can attract a lot of potential followers, no matter if they’re busy or not, because it’s not a blog post or Youtube video that demands 5-10 minutes to read or watch. 




Business Reels give you much higher exposure

Reels have a longer exposure window than any other post type on the Gram. What does it mean for you? Once you post them, they are pushed out to a broader audience (ORGANICALLY). You will reach more people beyond your followers + you’ll see engagement days after you post.

Why is it so? It’s no secret that Instagram prioritizes reels. It’s the new thing, and IG wants to encourage you to start creating more and more reels – so this is your chance to be seen and make this trend work in your favor. 

If you look at the explore section on your Instagram account, you’ll notice that a big part of what you see here are reels. Instagram knows that the app’s marketing persona is changing, and more and more people are here for quick, entertaining, snappy, and engaging content. What are the users demanding now? Short video form. Instagram listened. 

We’ve researched official data shared by several content creators from different niches. The verdict is straightforward: they’re reporting much higher reach and engagement on their reels than other Instagram post formats.

On the other hand, you may find yourself thinking: reels are funny, many people are into dancing or singing, but why the heck should businesses use Instagram Reels? 

As this is its newest feature, Instagram wants to encourage users to start uploading content through Reels. This is your chance – a HUGE opportunity for higher exposure. Keep in mind that your followers will be authentically impressed that your business is up-to-date with the latest content marketing trends, and this will reflect in your good PR and brand image. Reels are highly shareable + 94% of content marketing specialists admit that video marketing is one of the most effective ways to help customers understand services/products.



With Reels your profile will look more complex

They’ll be visible in a dedicated section next to the IGTV section, and they will make your account look even more polished and pro.

Reels for Business = More engaging content 

Reels are not only easy to create, but when done creatively, they are funny and addictive. Let’s admit it – seeing the same photos, infographics, and carousels time and time again can get a little bit boring. We need to evolve our content to remain relevant – it’s a necessity to sustain success online. Video is the most engaging type of content – so it’s genuinely beneficial to adopt this feature and let reels help your stats!

The wrap-up!

Reels are extremely pleasant and easy to watch: this fun, informative way of conveying a message is also a great way to introduce new services or products. There are many business-oriented things you can do using them. By focusing on engaging and unique content, you can quickly turn reels into a surprisingly effective way to reach new people from your target audience. Let’s energize your profile! 

PS. Knowing all this – are you going to try reels, or maybe you already have?!

how to improve instagram strategy

Kasia Pilch


  1. […] Reels offer tremendous opportunities for interaction, but the majority of social media marketers simply aren’t capitalizing on them. So don’t make this mistake, and work on engaging your potential followers! Business-consumer interaction is one of the main reasons to use Instagram to market a business! […]

  2. […] you the data you need, just ask your followers what they would like to see. Use formats like Instagram Stories, comments, and Q+A stickers to get their […]

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