Jul 30
reasons to use video marketing on instagram

Video Marketing Insights: Should Video Marketing Be a Part of Your Strategy?

You might be wondering if it’s time to upgrade your content strategy – and this article will save you a lot of time. Okay, now that we’ve got your attention, we can discuss the importance of video marketing and all the overwhelming trends gaining steam more and more intensively. Just kidding – they aren’t overwhelming at all, at least when you know how to make them work in your favour. And that’s why we’re here today: to teach you how. That’s the deal, okay? 

We feel like video used to be the form of content we were all creating long before we even had our businesses. Over the last months, many creators and brand owners realized that it could also be a powerful, highly engaging format. Although at times, it can look unprofessional to some, even these daily snaps from the office can turn out to be a great way to increase your profile’s traffic and reach new followers. It’s a massive discovery, and many social media platforms (Tiktok, Youtube, and now – surprise, surprise – Instagram as well) reap the benefits of it. 

Today we’ll be talking about the pros and cons of video marketing in different forms – and how to turn them all into your secret weapon. We’re also sharing some of our favourite and cost-effective ways to use them to market your business or yourself on Instagram. Let’s dive in!


rightVideo Marketing Content: What does the future of Instagram hold?

Have you heard about Adam Mosseri’s statement? You surely have. He shed some light on what the platform and its algorithms are prioritizing, and – that was the misgiving part for many creators – he admitted that Instagram is no longer a photo-sharing app. In a video posted to his Twitter and Instagram, he has confirmed that they’re going to embrace the video formats and do whatever it takes to popularize full-screen options very soon. So it’s happening – the winds of change are there.

From a psychological perspective – that can be a smart move for many of us. Our brains naturally get hooked to good stories. That’s why storytelling captures Instagram users’ attention so well. That’s cliché, but always relevant: people don’t buy products or services – they buy emotions. Human emotions are what sell—the sense of connection, personality, inspiration. Latest Hubspot’s report shows that 84,9% of consumers would like to see more content from brands they love. Our attention span is really short – about 8 seconds. That’s where video content has the superiority: it has the power to make us feel intrigued much quicker than any other content format. 


reasons to use video marketing on instagram


If you’re using video marketing for your business – you’re already a step ahead of the crowd. 

Video posts definitely increase credibility – they can be the proof that behind your business, there actually are people. Nice people. People worth following and trusting. Strategic video posts (and by strategic, we DON’T mean overly professional, high-quality productions – for an effective video marketing strategy, you need to mix both types: pro, polished videos with spontaneous, short ones) guides your followers on a journey with you. On a side note: video posts can be your best salesman because they have the potential to be highly converting – and we’ll also discuss it in the upcoming blog post. 

What differentiates your profile from the rest? Is it strong video content?

Let us tell you: it’s a really good moment to rethink that. 

Instagram is a giant place. When launching new services or a product (or even when promoting the older ones), it’s crucial to stand out from your competitors. Engaging content can make this difference – and push your potential followers to join your Instagram community – to stay in touch with you and follow your next steps. 


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How to get the creative juices flowing?

So how can you come up with really witty ideas, the ones you’ll actually feel over the moon to share with the world? 

Blink if you’ve ever tried to come up with an engaging and original concept for a short video and found yourself staring at the blank page or at the record button, with no idea where to start first. “There’s no time for sloppy content” you hear all the time, from marketing gurus promising you the silver bullet but then leaving you with burning questions and radio silence.

You pour your creative blood, sweat, and even some desperate tears into content creation, and then hours or even whole days later, you take a look at what you’ve created, you want to post it, and you’re hit with a severe doubt: is it good enough? Isn’t it too random? Will it intrigue people? Or maybe you even feel reluctant or embarrassed to share it? 

Who here has been in those shoes?!

We suppose we all have.

video marketing 4If you’re constantly struggling to put your ideas into video scenarios, and you feel overwhelmed with producing quality content for your profile, we have a few tips for overcoming video creation block:

  • create a video content calendar to plan the upcoming month strategically, so you feel much calmer and organized 
  • keep a running list (it can be in your phone’s notes) of content ideas, to update it every time something new comes up to your head. Those unexpected thoughts are frequently the most brilliant ones!
  • talk with your audience! Discuss their specific problems and then think about how to help them and solve them: and try to present the solutions and insights in a video format.

Side-note: you don’t really need 2-3 videos a week on your feed. If you watch other creators’ video posts, wishing you had the same creativity or confidence: let’s just start! As they say: practice makes the master. No one has it all together: and your community is certainly not expecting your content to be perfectly polished everytime. By polishing your content too much, you can become less relatable – and that’s the trap you don’t want to fall into! 


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To learn video marketing, stay tuned for more guides. Wouldn’t it be nice to have every single thing you needed for the effective content strategy wholly covered? We thought so too, and that’s why we’re here. 


PS. On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable do you feel with creating video posts right now? If you still aren’t sure if the video format is good for you, don’t hesitate to DM us on Instagram. We’d love to give you advice and discuss your marketing issues! Or just DM to say “hello” – because we always love hearing from you. 

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Kasia Pilch
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