Today we’ll dicuss content repurposing and content recycling IN DETAIL. What is content repurposing and content recycling and should you use it to grow on Instagram?
I feel like the most ambitious and creative content creators face this doubt – should we really repurpose and recycle our old content ideas? Won’t our audience notice? Won’t they be disappointed? The research shows that each time you post something, the majority of your current audience doesn’t see your post. That means we SHOULD recycle and reuse our best ideas so they can reach more people. They deserve to have more than one life. In today’s guide I’ll elaborate on the content repurposing and recycling techniques and how to do it the smart way. Let’s dive in!
What is Content Repurposing and Content Recycling, and Should You Do It to Grow on Instagram?
Are you tired of constantly creating new content for your Instagram but feel it’s not reaching its full potential?
Do you feel overwhelmed by the demands of consistently producing fresh posts?
Or do you wish you had a more efficient way to maximize your content’s impact?
If you’re struggling to keep up with the content creation demands of Instagram, this guide is for you.
I’m explaining what content repurposing and recycling are, why they’re valuable strategies, how IQ Hashtags’ content recycling feature can help, and how these methods can grow your Instagram presence.
Content Repurposing vs. Content Recycling
Content repurposing involves taking a piece of content you’ve already created and transforming it into a different format. For instance, turning a blog post into an infographic, a video, or a series of Instagram stories. This strategy allows you to reach different audience segments who may prefer various types of content.
Content recycling, on the other hand, is about reusing the same piece of content multiple times over a period. This might include reposting popular posts from your feed, bringing back seasonal content, or sharing evergreen posts that remain relevant over time. With IQ Hashtags’ content recycling feature, this process becomes even easier, allowing you to automate reposts, ensuring that your valuable content continues to reach new audiences without manual effort.
The Benefits of Content Repurposing and Content Recycling
Repurposing and recycling content can save you significant time and energy. Rather than constantly coming up with new ideas, you can leverage the HARD WORK you’ve already done. It also ensures that your content reaches a broader audience. Different followers engage with different types of content! By repurposing a Reel post into a carousel, you might capture the attention of those who prefer watching over reading and the other way round.
Moreover, recycling allows your valuable content to be seen by new followers who might have missed it the first time. Instagram’s algorithm doesn’t always show your posts to all your followers, so reposting can help ensure more of your audience sees your best work. IQ Hashtags’ content recycling feature can streamline this, allowing you to easily select and schedule your best posts for optimal engagement.

Content Recycling and Content Repurposing – Should You Use it?
How to Effectively Repurpose Content
Do you adapt your content to various formats?
Many content creators either say, “No,” or, “I’ve tried, but it’s too much work.”
Not adapting content effectively often puts us out of step with our audience. We can either repurpose strategically or miss out on potential engagement.
Even though I’ve studied social media strategies extensively, I sometimes forget to repurpose my own content. Instead, I end up overloading myself with new content creation. Repurposing strategically can be challenging but rewarding!
If you’ve tried repurposing but haven’t seen results, check out this method for effective strategies:
How to Get Started with Content Recycling and Content Repurposing
Recycling content can leave you feeling unsure of what to post next. But simply resharing your old content without a plan isn’t productive. Your followers might not engage if it feels repetitive.
Clarity on how and why you’re recycling content is key. This gives your Instagram strategy a fighting chance.
How can you gain more clarity?
A content calendar can help you plan and space out recycled posts effectively, ensuring they feel fresh and relevant.
However, tuning into your audience’s preferences requires a desire to understand them. You have to be willing to analyze what has worked well in the past.
Deciding to Repurpose and Recycle
As a social media strategist, I’ve seen accounts come back from low engagement by repurposing and recycling content. It is possible when done with intent!
I recently worked with an influencer who seemed overwhelmed by content creation. A break from constantly churning out new posts allowed them to focus on repurposing and recycling high-performing content. IQ Hashtags’ content recycling feature played a crucial role in this transformation, making it simple to repost valuable content and maintain consistent engagement.
Their engagement rates improved as their audience appreciated the valuable content being showcased in new ways.
Intentionality is everything.
Reposting for engagement’s sake can often get lost over time in the rush to create new content. Being strategic can make a difference.
If you’re looking for ways to maintain engagement without burning out, I can personally recommend it.
Breaking Through the Confusion of Content Strategy
A huge number of creators have told me they’re confused or torn about what to do because they feel pressure to constantly create new content. As a strategist, I find we often use this pressure as an excuse to avoid making strategic decisions. I sometimes ask clients who’ve been stuck in the content creation grind for years, “Do you think it’s time to change your strategy?”
Around half the time, they say, “Yes, but I’m afraid of losing engagement.”
Here’s the thing: you can change your strategy and still choose to create new content when necessary.
You can take it slow and test what works. Sometimes, small strategic changes create space for other possibilities to arise.
Be honest with yourself first, and when you’re ready, implement these changes.
Yes, uncertain strategies are scary. As creators, we love and want certainty.
But content strategies are fluid and evolving. You may not know what will happen, and that’s okay!
While sticking to old methods is easier than trying new ones, again, those aren’t your only options. You can focus on what has worked and learn to adapt it effectively.
Should You Repurpose and Recycle Content?
Many creators feel torn because some strategies work great while others don’t. The success of repurposing and recycling often depends on how well you understand your audience and content performance.
In these situations, I ask my clients: “If repurposing and recycling improved your engagement and reduced your workload, would it be worth trying?”
If the answer is yes, great. If the answer is no, consider why you’re resistant to change.
I’ve also heard from folks who hesitate to repurpose because they believe their audience will notice and get bored.
Your audience may notice, but they’re more likely to appreciate seeing valuable content again rather than remember it from before. Using IQ Hashtags’ content recycling feature, you can ensure your content is spaced out and strategically reposted to keep it fresh and engaging.
Questions to Determine Whether You Should Repurpose and Recycle
Here are a few questions to help you get to the truth of how you feel:
- If there were no negative feedback, does your gut tell you to repurpose or recycle content? Sit with it for a few moments.
- How much of your content is underperforming? How much is successful? Does the good outweigh the bad?
- When you think about repurposing, what sensations come up in your body? Is there excitement or hesitation?
- When did you last see a boost in engagement from repurposed content?
Different Content Strategies and Situations
Depending on your niche, you might wonder if repurposing is suitable or if you’re in a particularly unique situation.
Engagement and reach can fluctuate based on various factors like trends, seasons, or algorithm changes.
It’s valuable to look at how you’ve adapted to changes in the past. Do you stay updated with trends? Can you adjust your strategies? Have you tried new formats before?
The strategies and trends we follow can bring out different qualities in our content, too.
For example, I recently experimented with turning old Instagram stories into Instagram carousels. Watching the engagement increase reminded me how much I enjoyed creating versatile content.
Is there a strategy you loved before that could help bring back some engagement?
The last thing I’ll leave you with: many of us focus on what we could do next rather than what we’ve done well. But it’s worth focusing on our successes, too. Not to bypass new opportunities, but to balance the effort!
I hope this helps you figure out whether you want to repurpose and recycle content to grow on Instagram, and I am sending you creativity, strategy, and success. I’d love to hear what you discovered in the comments or on Instagram (@iqhashtags).
Have you tried these strategies before? Have you tried IQ Hashtags Content Recycling system? How did it work for you? Let us know!
Have the most amazing week and as always, take care of your content creation.
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